The Oil Sands of Alberta are known as some of the top buried energy treasures of Canada. GPS Security Group is an oil sands security company that provides camp security to protect your crew members and your investments. Our professional camp security guards are equipped to handle all types of security issues which could potentially arise. Our armed guards have extensive law enforcement and military experience. We will work with your management team to provide a safe and secure environment for your staff, crew members and equipment.
We are equipped to handle any situation that may arise on the campgrounds. GPS Security Group provides medical and safety services as well as camp security for all of your camp town needs. Whether you have an open camp, a private crew, an executive camp or a disaster camp, we are the right oil sands security company for you. Our special task forces include fire, drug and alcohol watch patrols. Our vigilant staff and designated security vehicles beef up the security of your premises and are able to defer problems just by being there. Contact us for your complimentary security assessment to determine how our services can help you meet your needs.
GPS provides security, safety and medical services for disaster camps, open camps, private crew camps and executive camps of any size throughout the province of Alberta.
Our services include:
Great companies & organizations we work with.
We are highly trained, trusted and certified.