Healthcare Security Services – Industry Needs And Challenges

May 7, 2022

Healthcare Security Services - Industry Needs And Challenges

Unlike other industries such as construction, banking, retail, etc, the healthcare sector poses many challenges in terms of security. It is an industry that offers well-being services to the general public. However, the relevant authorities ought to be equally conscious of the patients, equipment, and data safety. Evidently, the matter of healthcare security is quite sensitive and highly demanding. Apart from the external threats, hospitals and medical facilities often face significant threats from within as well.

To be honest, there is no way an average hospital owner can overcome these security challenges without understanding the threats first. The latter will assist in brainstorming, devising, and implementing the necessary security controls to prevent, detect, and correct the security issues and breaches that arise in a medical setting.

While many hospital owners remain adamant about handling their premise’s safety by themselves and dismally failing at it, others simply hand over highly sensitive information to any healthcare security service provider they first come across. In this regard, the key to devising a successful security strategy and its implementation is hiring a reputable and professional healthcare security service provider.

Many of you might believe that developed countries do not face such significant security threats. However, as one of the oldest and most seasoned security companies, we would like to point out that the latter is not the case. While third-world countries face a higher risk due to a lack of resources, developed countries face security threats due to ignorance.

In light of the sensitivity of the matter and the prevalent lack of attention, this blog attempts to do an in-depth overview of healthcare security, related threats, challenges, and solutions.

What Are The Common Threats Faced By Healthcare In Canada?

From payment and document processing to patient privacy and physical security, there is so much at stake in a medical facility. Accordingly, the covid-19 pandemic and the accompanying state of perplexity have further intensified the already existing threats.

The major threats that Canadian healthcare facilities currently face include:

  • Ransomware attacks are the biggest threat to the global healthcare industry. This trend picked pace in the early post-pandemic era and is likely to stay here for quite a while. Thus, this subcategory of cybersecurity threats will remain the most significant issue in the Canadian healthcare system.
  • Internal theft of data and compromised patient privacy is another major issue. Unlike the scenario above, where the threat is external, this internal threat involves the violation of privacy policies by hospital staff.
  • Unauthorized entry and invasions will never disappear from the planet. Therefore, this conventional crime method is still widespread in the healthcare industry and will, unfortunately, remain this way in the future.
  • Theft of hospital equipment and internal fraud through record-keeping and processing systems.
  • Riot violence and intentional brutal attacks.
  • Child abduction and assailant attacks.
  • Accidental fires, blasts, and natural disasters.

This list of threats is inexhaustive. Consequently, implementing security measures is a continuous and ever-evolving process. Hence, before hiring a security company to take over the safety of your hospital, ensure they have what it takes to succeed in their undertakings.

Which Security Strategy Will Be Most Successful In The Healthcare Sector?

Evidently, there is a need for integration between diverse physical, electronic, and virtual security measures. Gone are the days when these three components were independently successful. The nature and severity of modern threats mandate the amalgamation of the various security components.

Consequently, an ideal security strategy for this sector must seek to integrate all security aspects with a centralized control and monitoring system. The latter will not only avoid task repetition and confusion, but will also reduce security costs. You can seamlessly accomplish this goal by handing over your premise’s safety to a well-versed security company offering a combination of all the necessary security measures.

Which Types Of Controls Suit The Healthcare Sector?

While the needs of every hospital or medical facility are unique, we recommend the following security controls as a general start:

  • Physical access controls, such as biometric locks and security guards.
  • Well-defined crowd, crisis, and emergency management policies and an alert team.
  • Tactical teams.
  • Mobile patrolling and trailer surveillance.
  • 24/7 video monitoring.
  • Server, application, and module access controls.
  • Multi-layer cybersecurity measures.
  • Top-notch fire, forced access, and disaster alarm systems.

Can You Get All These Under One Roof In Western Canada?

Whether you own a medical facility, construction site, or a retail store, our comprehensive list of security services covers a range of industries and has what you need. Learn more about GPS Security and our unmatched offerings. Contact us now to find the safest solutions for all your major or minor security requirements.


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