Many times, when you feel your existing surveillance system has become obsolete and outdated you think of starting from scratch, replacing your existing system and purchasing new technology. Doing so, when your surveillance system just requires an upgrade, would burn an unnecessary hole in your pocket. Why is upgrading your existing surveillance system required? Why should you tread with caution before making the upgrade? Here are the answers.
Integrat old equipment with new technology
If all your old cameras are analog and working without any issues, there is no need to change them out completely. Just adding the latest recording device can significantly enhance performance system-wide. As long as the cameras, cables and recorder are all compatible, there should be no need to alter any infrastructure you would like to keep. A hybrid video recorder allows the existing cameras to stay put, and will record their feeds, while allowing for newer security cameras to be installed. The focus on being able to expand the existing network before scrapping it is the most cost effective route for anybody with a system already in place. In situations, where the customer is only unsatisfied with one part of the security system, the whole system does not have to be swapped out. Hybrid recorders and IP cameras allow administrators to rectify the portion that is not performing how it is desired, without affecting the entire network as analog systems tend to require. Having the ability to use and test a camera before it is physically affixed into the desired position allows the administrator to try out different options, and only expand what needs to be expanded upon. –
Consult a professional to know what is required of the network
Before selecting all that is needed for your upgrades, you must have foresight of what is required for the network. Depending on the camera manufacturer, there may be issues with hardware desired across the network. For example, your needs may require replacing some, but not all, of the cameras on a network. Purchasing the most high-end camera to replace an old one might lead to running a network cable instead of the traditional coaxial cable analog systems use. This slight oversight can end up being quite costly. Due to this, it is always recommended that you consult a professional, during the earliest possible phase of your upgrade. It will save you time and money by knowing which equipment will be required up front.
Know the camera placement for optimized usage
Before upgrading the existing surveillance system, it is important to know which camera has the functionality that best fits the physical location in which it is to be installed. For example, a large area that has one camera in a corner will work best if it can pan, tilt and zoom; a PTZ camera is made specifically with that situation in mind. In the process of upgrading, any long-standing performance issues should be addressed (camera angles, wiring, grainy feed, etc.). One very commonly overlooked obstacle is the power going to the camera, as it could be a vulnerability (a cord to a camera can be cut easily if left exposed). IP cameras eliminate this vulnerability altogether due to the power being run in the same cable as the image, while box cameras might be the best option for an existing network, experiencing this obstacle.
Role of Topography
Topography refers to the physical locations of the equipment in a network.Thetopography of a surveillance network differs from other models (such as data networks) in that there aren’t many issues with proprietary hardware (it is more plug-and-play). A Samsung IP camera may not work to its full potential with a GeoVision NVR as it will with any other brand. IP cameras, still being in their infancy, have been plagued with minor compatibility issues that may slow or even halt the installation completely. Topography needs would be something an administrator would want to plan for as far in advance as possible when upgrading, as this plan can ultimately determine the time frame in which a network can go from an idea to a reality.
Thus, upgrading your existing surveillance system with newer technology can optimize performance and ensure longevity. GPS Security specializes in providing security systems services to help refine your existing surveillance system with improved and longer lasting technology.