It is important to be safe and healthy at work. No matter what type of job you are doing, safety is most important. You don’t only need to be physically safe. Emotional security is also equally important. Many employers take care of their employees by following certain security guidelines and having security systems at the workplace.
Despite the numerous security measures at a workplace, there are many incidences that take place in various offices. Violence and abuse are the most common in every workplace. To stay safe at your workplace, you should be alert at all times and be ready to respond to any injustice done to you. Here are some things you can do to stay safe when at work:
Stay alert
You should pay attention to your surroundings when you are at work. Keeping an eye on the things and people around you is important. If you are aware of what is happening around you, you may be able to keep yourself away from things and people that may cause trouble to you.
Most people keep quiet when something wrong is happening to them at their workplace. You should not be one of those tolerant people. It is important for you to raise your voice against anything bad that you have come across. If you are hesitant to talk about it explicitly, you should let your senior know about it. The senior will be able to address your worry and do something about it.
You could also talk to your employer about any concerns that you have about workplace safety. If there aren’t security systems installed in your office, you should tell the employer why they are necessary.
Identify emergency exits
This is a rare situation but it can happen anytime. There could be a fire breakdown and you may have to get out of your workplace at the earliest. During this emergency period, you will not have time to look for help. You will have to escape through the emergency exit doors. You should know where these doors are located so you can make a quick move and stay safe.
First aid
You never know when you will require medical assistance in office. You should, therefore, know where the first aid kit is generally kept. If you know where to look for the first aid box in time of emergency, you will not have to suffer pain until someone tries to find the box for you.
If you are alert all the time and if you are willing to act against all the various problems arising at your workplace, you will be able to stay safe in your office. No matter how many security systems the employer installs in the office, your personal security is in your hands. So, be alert to be safe.
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