Signs You Chose The Wrong Event Security

June 17, 2019

Event Security

As an event planning company, you already have a lot on your shoulders on the final day. There are so many things to keep a check on; you hope that the event is at least safe and secure. The last thing you’d want to worry about is a fault in the security system. Here are a few things you must have chosen for the wrong event security:

Unable to Prevent Intruders

When you plan an event, there could be a possibility of uninvited people willing to enter the event without passes or without being on the guest list. Your event security is supposed to be able to fend off these intruders and gate-crashers. Since this is the most primary purpose of event security, they are not the right ones if the security cannot keep the intruders away. In case an intruder enter your event, take immediate actions against trespassing, as it could cause inconvenience for your guests.

Poor Crowd Control

When you want to have a great event, you might want to go over the crowd control regulations with your event security because you will expect a crazy crowd. Your event security has to be aware of the responsibilities that they have to take care of when the crowd gets out of control. Usually, it is the duty of the event security company to train their employees. To ensure you do not end up with the wrong event security, run through the conduct with them prior.

Inadequate Celebrity Security

When you plan to invite celebrities or have a grand event which has the possibility of celebrities attending, you are obligated to protect them. In case of any accidents, your event planning business could also have to go through lawsuits because personalities will not spare anyone. Along with suffering a loss, your company could become less reputed. When the event security you chose does not have sufficient security guards and equipment, for starters, there will inevitably be minor issues that you will have to keep dealing with on the day.

Unnecessary Media Access

Sending invitations to celebrities is equal to sending invitations to the media. When you have A-listers entering your event, the press is going to have their eyes on your event during the entry and exit time. You have to know that media individuals are stubborn who go to great lengths to get their picture perfect story. Even if your event security asks them not to cover it, they could try to trespass. Another reason why event security has to have the ability to fend off such uninvited individuals. Sometimes the event security could even mix up the list of media allowed to cover the event.

Security Breaches During the Event

Security breaches are easier to happen because these could be the intentions of someone already on the guest list. For whatsoever reason, you cannot deny entry to people with the guest list provided or if they paid for the tickets. Hence, your event security has to watch everything through cameras and capture videos for potential legal disputes.

No matter how many personal safety tips you give the guests to enjoy a safe and fun event, in the end, it is your duty to as an event planner to make sure the event security is doing great. When you are hiring, make sure you ask the right questions to the event security. Get in touch with reputed event security to plan a safe and fun event.


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