How To Keep Your Apartment Safe And Secure

July 15, 2015

It is very important to have all the right security measures before you move into your new apartment. For many people, moving into their new apartment is the most exciting moment of their life, and in this excitement, they tend to forget the most important thing – Security. In the recent survey done, it was estimated that almost 68% of the break-ins that happened in the apartments, were because of no security options and it was very easy for the intruder to step in. Contrary to popular belief, where people think apartments are safer home options than the bungalows, apartments are far more subjected to theft. When you start to shift into the new house, you must make sure that you have installed all the needed measures of security. In this article, we are going to throw light on some of the pointers that will help you in the long term safety of your family.

1. Security Before You Move

Before you plan to move into your new apartment, you need to make sure that you are having all the security measures installed. Always start with the locks, as some of the builders use low quality of the locks for the main doors and windows. Get the locks that have added protection of pass codes. You can also go in for the electronic locks that require your thumb impression to unlock. Check the windows and get new locks for them. It is always a best idea to get the home checked by a professional security technician who will give you all the details of the security equipments that you might need for complete protection.

2. Having A Look At The Neighbourhood

It is always better to have a look at the neighbourhood before you move into your new apartment. This will give you an idea, that how much the other apartments in the building are protected. If there are not many buildings in the area, then you need to be more careful. If you are moving along with your family, then you can consider of installing an additional front door to have the added protection. You can also install a video phone at the door, so that you can see the person before opening. Make sure the ladders are out of sight and locked up so that no one can reach for them easily. Pay attentions to the tress that have branches close to your balcony as they can be used by the burglars to get an entry into the house.

3. Contact The Professionals

The best way to safeguard your apartment is by contacting the security professionals. They not only guide you in a right manner, but they also suggest you the best security measurement for the available space you have. This way, you get the right help and equipments that are of perfect match for the security. Make sure that you are taking the services from a security company that has years of experience and never compromise when it comes to the protection of your family.


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