Giving Native Americans a unique job opportunity

September 5, 2014

With growing global economy and employment opportunities, more and more corporate firms are flourishing. Equal employment and opportunity for all people has been a difficult practice, but today we give an equal chance to all ethnicities. Our firm has taken up the initiative to form a joint venture with the North Eastern Settlement Alliance. On one end of the spectrum, there are Information Technology firms dwelling in the Silicon Valley. On the other end, there are the so called minorities like Native Americans. We have been taking a conscious effort to network with likeminded organizations to create jobs for Aboriginal people.

Training Regimes We Have

There are tailor made training modules at guard companies for the people of Aboriginal heritage. These companies develop qualified and well vetted personnel ready to take up various security and loss prevention related positions at firms like yours. The basic security training offered will be in lieu with the Canadian General Standards Board and licensed professionals will graduate out of the system. A thorough background check is also done to ensure that all records are in place for the First Natives to join the program. Some of the training they undergo involves learning about

  • – Professional Ethics
  • – Canadian Legal System
  • – Basic Security and Emergency Response Procedures
  • – Communication, Documentation and Evidence
  • – Health and Safety

Background Checks Conducted

We realize the importance of having a guard with a clean record, be he of any origin. With more and more cases being reported of insider intrusions at firms by security officers, we now ensure our guards are clean on health, criminal records and driving records. And, our security group provides location based networking of the guards with our system which results in renewed checks and quality surveillance.

Unique Job Opportunities We Give

As a security service provider, we have created a win-win situation by training ready-to-employ Aboriginal security officers. There are many industrial and corporate sectors in need of security guards like Information Security Officers, Government Services Inspectors, Alarm Responders,Loss Prevention Workers, Executive Security etc. Qualified and job ready professionals have been coming from the various Aboriginal Communities. We have been working closely with them so as to complement up to 50 percent of our staff as Aboriginal Security Officers.

While you have assets and properties requiring protection, we offer the right trained hands to take care of them. You would get state-of-art GPS enabled security guards with Aboriginal nativity and you would be contributing to the economic growth of the community through this gesture. Remember the most valuable assets need the best men at work to secure them, and these are the first natives of your country. By providing them opportunity to serve you we can move closer towards our goals of equal employability. Recruit your guards from us and we ensure uncompromised high quality for a fair price.

Giving Native Americans a unique job opportunity


Great companies & organizations we work with.



We are highly trained, trusted and certified.


