Event Security: Tips and Measures

May 25, 2015

Event security can be a lot of importance, as an event is attendant by many people. The list may include the names of some big organizations and people and you need be real sure about the security plan for the same. Here are some event security tips that might be very helpful.

  • Before appointing the security company, ask them about the training of the personnel they will be providing you with. Also ask for the certifications if they have any.
  • Look at the background and the service history of the company. Look what are the events they have covered in the past and who were their clients.
  • Ask for the references.
  • Ask if the company was ever sued.
  • Ask if they do advance work if the need arises.

Apart from these basic points, you should keep the following in mind while going through the event security Calgary companies.

  1. Giving Specialists More Control

When you appoint the security for the event, you need to give them all the controls of the premises. This way, they will be able to keep an eye on the event from all the directions and the guest screening will be done in a right manner. In a security check, you have to keep many things in mind and everyone has to go from a security check before entering the event. You need to take care that every single person is screened before allowing entry.

  1. Right Venue

Always select the location that is close for the members to attend it. All the emergency exits should be covered by the security personnel and it should have a big premise so that in any emergency, people may have enough space to run and look for an exit. If you are organising a high profile event, you need to take careful study of the venue before the function.

  1. Security Details

Always tell the guests in advance that they have to go through the security check when they will be attending the function. Many times people get offended when they are asked to show their ID and passes before allowing them entry at the gates. Tell them to expect a similar procedure they encounter at the airport. Tell them to carry the passes with them if you have issued them in advance.

  1. Have A Backup Plan

Always have a backup plan ready in case of emergency. The exit strategy needs to be backed up by a different route in case any emergency occurs and blocks the route. The backup plan includes the exit plans, emergency medical care and briefing the staff about the plans before the starting of the event. As we all know, emergency situations can come from anywhere and it is not necessary that the plan you have for the security, will fit in right away. To be sure of the security of the event, the right backup plan is necessary.


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