Crime rates have been on the rise with every passing year. These days security systems are the norm almost everywhere. Be it in malls, schools, hospitals, apartments or parking lots, security systems and devices are used everywhere. Edmonton security systems consist of a wide range of security devices such as:
Alarm Response System
An alarm response is set off when a burglar enters your home. The moment it goes off, action has to be taken as soon as possible to thwart the burglar and his plans. If you are on the premises where the burglar breaks in, then it becomes all the more important to call for help. You can either choose an alarm response security guard service, where the nearest security guard is notified by the alarm and action is taken at the earliest. All our security guards have a GPS Mapping device, which enables us to dispatch the nearest security guard as and when an alarm event is recorded.
Video Cameras
Video cameras are another security device which is installed in a lot of places these days. These cameras record footage 24/7. So a person can monitor multiple places sitting in front of the video-monitoring screen. GPS security offers the new ‘remote monitoring’ feature which enables you to keep a watch on your home even when you are not there. You can get a live feed of the happenings in your home through your smartphone. GPS video surveillance can be integrated with a software that makes it smart, like – face detection, crowd detection, perimeter monitoring, and intrusion detection.
Mobile Surveillance Trailer
Mobile surveillance trailers are ideal for large properties and events. It is a mobile device that can capture footage 24/7. The surveillance trailer offered by GPS Security is called ‘MSU Hybrid’. It runs on solar panels, and they have energy efficient diesel generators which function even when the weather is cloudy. Adding a mobile surveillance trailer to your existing static security system can maximize your protection.
RFID Tags For Retail Shops
RFID or Radio Frequency Identification is a device which is largely used in the retail industry. The primary function of this device is to record and store data such as serial number, price, and purchase record. All this information is recorded in a small chip which is attached to every item in the inventory warehouse or the retail outlet. Along with the primary function of inventory management, RFID can be effectively used to secure products in the retail industry. Most shops these days have a RFID sensor at the entry and exit points. These sensors can track the RFID tag if anyone tries to take a product outside the store without billing.
These are some of the devices you should consider including in your security system to avail maximum protection. Get in touch with us to know more about effective security solutions.