It is typical to believe that having one camera that covers an entire room is all you need to keep your business or home secure, but is that true? What if the area you want to cover is a lobby, a large office space, or even your front porch, will one camera be enough to see what happened in the event of a burglary? Let’s take a look at what all you need to look for in a surveillance system.
Do you have Integrated locks?
A surveillance system does no good if you aren’t able to know what is going on at all times. Integrating your locks and lighting, accessing your cameras and controlling your smart home from your fingertips is the best way to have a safe and secure home. So, integrate your locks for an effective home security.
Do you have the right cameras?
No single camera application is the same and it is important to know what you need from each of your cameras. Ask yourself a few questions to get started. Will the cameras be inside or outside? Will it be used more during the day or at night? Do your cameras need built in illumination? What focal length do you need. The use of the right cameras is essential to have a good surveillance system.
Do you have enough storage?
Storage capacity of the camera is an important point in home security.You should think about the storage capacity of the camera. You should check if the system has enough storage capacity to record each and every event.
Do you have enough power?
It is important to know the amount of power that is required to run a properly sized video surveillance system for your home or business. Taking the cheaper, simpler, less wattage approach can result in cameras not working, leaving your home susceptible to security issues. The surveillance system requires adequate power to have an effective surveillance system.
Do you maintain the system?
Surveillance system should, at a minimum, be checked by a professional to ensure that it is cleaned, updated and working properly once a year. We offer ongoing maintenance agreements to keep your system in tip-top shape.
Forgetting indoor monitoring.
There are many benefits to also covering certain areas inside your home or business. One or two small indoor cameras can gather a lot of information in the event that someone inside your home, intruder or guest, is engaging in less than desirable activities!
GPS Security Group will help you to have a safe and effective surveillance system at your remote camps. An appropriate balance between safety and security must be achieved in order to create the most secure and safe environment.
Image source: homesecurityca.com