Oil sand camps are considered to be one of the most dangerous working sites in the world. Working on oil sands sites include a large number of hazards and accidents which means you must take enough safety measures to safeguard the oil sands camps. If you appoint oil sand camp security, you can minimize the risk of losses to the workers and your investment. Along with an alarm response and access control system, you must employ armed security guards on oil sand sites. These armed security guards can be helpful for the site in several ways. Let us look at what these security guards can do for your oil sand camps.
They Maintain Order in the Camps
The major role of armed security guards is to ensure the safety of the site and maintain peace and order in and around the camp premises. They monitor the activities and behaviors of workers and visitors in and around the camp premises. They make sure that all the workers are disciplined and not indulging in any unwanted activity like consuming drugs and alcohol. The armed security guards also make sure that unauthorized people don’t enter or access the sensitive areas of the oil sand camp. Simply said, these armed security guards provide complete safety and security to the expensive equipment and machinery and to the workers.
They Tackle Fire Outbreak and Other Emergency Situations
Generally, the workers and laborers on the oil sand camps panic and react inappropriately during an emergency situation like an onsite accident, fire outbreak, technical breakdown, and natural calamity. In such situations, people should be patient and react logically to keep the situation under control. The armed security guards are trained to remain calm and patient in such emergency situations so that they can control and tackle the situation. Specially trained fire watch security guards and crisis management guards take charge of such situations. They are responsible for managing the crowd and they try to save valuable assets on the site.
They Provide Medical Help
The armed forces are trained to take care of the injured individuals after an emergency situation. The armed forces are trained in how to deal with emergency medical situations and when and how to provide CPR to the workers in the oil sand camps. These first aid CPR security guards are qualified and can provide medical assistance immediately before the injured workers are taken to the hospital so that their condition doesn’t become serious.
If you are planning to secure your oil sand camp with latest security technologies and armed security guards, you can select from our Edmonton security solutions. We are equipped to handle any situation that may arise on the oil sands camps in Alberta. We provide medical and safety services as well as camp security.