An alarm system alerts you when the property is unattended and invaded by thieves. These smart, easy to learn devices notify you when intruders attack your property while you are away or sleeping. Like any other security systems, alarm security systems also have a set of pros and cons. Below are various advantages and disadvantages of installing them on your residential or commercial site.
Advantages of Alarm Security Systems
Constant Protection
Appointing security guards or personally being there to protect the property 24/7 is practically not possible. These security systems provide round-the-clock protection against burglars and break-ins.
Strong Deterrent
Homes and commercial properties that have burglar alarm systems installed are at a lesser risk of being targeted by intruders and burglars. When infiltrators find out that you have an alarm system installed, they are persuaded to move away from your property. Even if they are not aware of its presence, the alarming sound will scare them off.
Uninterrupted Functionality
There are two types of alarm systems. Wireless alarm systems work on batteries and not electricity. Which means they are effective during power-cuts as well. Hardwired systems do not use batteries and consume electricity from the source. So, there is no need of regular battery charging or replacement.
Can Relocate
The alarm system devices can be disconnected and installed at different places. It is easy to relocate both, wireless as well has wired alarm security systems.
Special Alarm Systems
Modern alarm security systems provide the ability to monitor the activities happening on your property when you are away. There are security systems that have an add-on feature of detecting fire or smoke. These systems will instantly notify you during emergencies like a fire breakout, gas leak, or a flood emergency.
Disadvantages of Alarm Security Systems
False Alarm
These security systems are prone to false alarms that involve the alarm ringing when anyone from your family enters the restricted area. Or there are instances when the alarm is triggered by itself without any reason
Both, wireless and hardwired alarm systems are expensive to install. They require an initial investment, which includes equipment cost, installation, and subscription of security monitoring service.
Can be Stolen
Irrespective of the type of burglar alarm you have, it can be stolen from the site where it is installed. Wireless systems are comparatively easier to disconnect. Some burglars can easily disconnect the wired alarm systems.
More and more homeowners and businesses are installing these systems as they give a sense of peace and safety. Even the burglars are aware of the benefits of alarm systems and hence, the number of burglaries have gone down with time. If you want to know more about installing alarm security systems, get in touch with the professional Edmonton security services.